WeblogImprovement.com Relaunched

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Weblog Improvement is a consulting service that specializes in designing, developing, and supporting Movable Type and TypePad-based publishing systems. I started it in 2004.


Weblog Improvement website as

shown on Flickr.

I relaunched WeblogImprovement.com over the weekend by adopting a design based on the Universal Template Set from the Movable Type 4 Professional Pack.

I wanted to use as few plugins as possible in this design, so I could show the out-of-the-box power of Movable Type 4. I used Custom Fields to designate screen shots from my Flickr photostream that represent each site that I’ve worked on recently. Each client website is represented as a single blog entry.

]]>The entries describing client websites are part of the Weblog Improvement blog, but are filtered out of the blog part of the site through use of tags on each entry. Any blog entry tagged with the word "@client" is excluded from the blog index page and included in a special client index page.

The site’s working very well and is a huge step forward from what had been there before. There’s a slight CSS problem in the blog and client index pages right now that seems to manifest itself only on Safari. I hope to get to fix it this week.
