Author: daveaiello

  • When You Witness History, It Doesn't Always Go As Planned

    I came home early from work to meet my sons and their sitter, so we could watch the Antares launch. I got home about seven minutes before the launch, put NASA TV on via AirPlay to the Apple TV in…

  • Why I Went Back to Running

    A lot of friends have seen the posts on Facebook that I created over the past six months related to running. The goal here was not to run a half-marathon or a marathon, although I might do that some time;…

  • Reflecting on 9/11

    Every year since September 11, 2001 I've mentioned the following people who were victims of the terrorist attacks, in the hope that some of my friends will remember them:World Trade Center: Vito DeLeo, mechanic at World Trade Center, USA Hockey…

  • See You in Kindergarten, in the Fall

    Peter graduated from pre-school today– Wrightstown Friends Nursery School. This is a great school for young kids that is about all of the things that our sons needed: some independence, some play, some socialization, some learning, and less about drills…

  • Thirty Years of Macintosh

    On the 30th anniversary of the launch of Macintosh, I'd like to share a couple of memories with my friends. The first people I knew who had a Mac in their house were Rob Nardone, Andy Nardone, and their parents….

  • How Much is A Good Website Worth to a Business?

    A friend of mine told me this story about a local bike store in Eastern Pennsylvania that we both frequent as customers. He walked into the store the other day while the owner of the store was discussing the upkeep…

  • In Memory of Peter Andreas Frank

    August 7, 2013 is the 10th anniversary of death of my friend Peter Andreas Frank. Here's what I wrote on, a few days after he passed away: Last Thursday, Peter Andreas Frank died as a result of a brain…

  • Why Jeff Bezos' Purchase of The Washington Post May Not Be Good for America

    A couple of my more well known friends in social media (especially David Jacobs) are surprised that there haven't been more negative or questioning comments about Jeff Bezos purchase of The Washington Post from The Washington Post Company. I don't…

  • The Best New Web Initiative by RPI in a Long Time

    Friday RPI Alumni Relations launched a page on its website devoted to the RPI Alumni Social Action Stream. This page pulls together the RPI Alumni action stream from eight social media sites (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Reddit, Tumblr, and…

  • I’m Now on Tumblr

    Nobody's noticed yet, but I created a Tumblr blog for myself, at As I said over there, I'm hoping that I can use Tumblr to enhance the value of my other sites. I'm also hoping to get a feel…